Maral will be on tv channel TV8 soon. The protagonists are Hazal Kaya and Aras Bulut Iynemli, the director is Deniz Kolos and the screenwriter is Pinar Bulut Deren who also wrote both Ezel and Suskunlar. The tv series of Hazal Kaya and Aras Bulut Iynemli will tell the story of two lovers who are broken apart as a result of a miracle rather than a tragedy. The first trailer of Maral has been broadcasted.

The First Trailer of Hazal Kaya’s New TV Series, Maral
want to c new shows of hazalkaya on zindagi channel as soon as possible
I just wanna see hazalkaya every show n project on Indian national television on zindagi channel as soon as possible
I would luke to watch ths drama but it will be iin turkish language and I dontknw. turky
but I will watch……..
I am big fannn of hazal and caggatay. ……. i like fariha dràma and am only14 nw and will go to turkey and will see hazal aand caggatay
looovvv u hazalllll and caggatayyyyyy and ggod bless u
I luv Hazal n cagatay pair
Hope we can see them together again