Please share your thoughts about Fahriye Evcen Özcivit! Do you think that she has managed to get back into her form?
Fahriye Evcen officially introduced her 8,5 months old son “Karan” to the world on December through a photo in her instagram page. Fahriye Evcen’s photos with her son took huge attention on social media. 8-months old Karan Özcivit surprised everybody through his handsome face.
Karan Özcivit was offered a 1 million TL (175.000 US dollar) tv commercial by a toy company.
Fahriye Evcen shared another photo of herself taken in her house. It is seen that she gets back into her shape in a very short time. On August 2019, she was seen at the airport and was critized by some citizens due to her look. Now, she proves that she has lost almost all pregnancy weight. After giving birth, Fahriye Evcen lost almost 12 kilograms through healthy diet. This content belongs to

Father Burak Ozcivit, on the other hand, is on tv right now with his popular Turkish drama Establishment Osman (Kuruluş Osman). He does not accept commercial offers for his son. Burak Özcivit is so keen on his son. He recently changed the plate numbers of his 4 cars and used “KAR” ( his son’s name is Karan).